Another day we went to Starbucks for Cooper's favorite double chocolate chip frappuccino. Passing three of those to the back seat was again torture.

And than a few days later Alvin wanted some yogurt so we went to our favorite place, Yo Love Yogurt and I actually sat at the table and watched him eat his favorite of chocolate and mint with oreoes on top. I wasn't even tempted.

So, you can see I am doing pretty good - EXCEPT - the day I was on a personal food blog and she was mentioning her favorite peanut butter. Have you ever tried this?

I tried it and you must try it too!!! I went to the grocery store and bought this jar of peanut butter. I was home alone and I had my spoon and my jar and I ate the whole jar by the time the evening was over. It tastes like a peanut butter cup. So, I blew it and defnitely can not buy right now that dreamy chocolate peanut butter. Alvin and I figured out the whole jar was three days worth of calories. But I am back on track!!
The exciting thing is this peanut butter company actually have a store front in New York City called Peanut Butter and Co.. I am defnitely going to check this place out when we are in New York in December. Their menu looks so goooooooood!