After a good dinner the little kids; seven of them in ages of seven to two headed outside to scour the haystack and animals and ride their riding toys. Meanwhile we adults enjoyed our usual gift exchange. Everyone brings a $25.00 gift and we draw a number for the order of opening the presents. This year the hot items were: $25.00 in scrunched up one dollar bills, sonic gift certificate, a Phoenix Suns jacket,and a few gift cards from various places.
Ryan and Jenny fought over who got the chair the entire afternoon. Neither one would get up!
Unfortunately Jacquie didn't go home with the cash!
Judy opened the bird cage picture holder wall hanging but Jaycie really wanted it for her room so she stole it from Judy.
Big John opened up the portable bucket vac from Home Depot which I ended up with. Would everybody quit asking me why I wanted that please!
So, the day ended - Christmas is over for another year. There are two things I look forward to in the year. One is Christmas and the other is our beach vacation. Now, I can look forward to vacationing for two weeks in July.
Oh, by the way I got a "fancy" camera from Alvin for my present this year. He thinks I should go back to CGCC to learn how to use it.

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