So, today we went back to decorate the heart. This is what we did.
We mixed just glue and water this time and wadded up little bits of pink tissue paper and glued them onto the heart. When all covered with the pink we added shinny jewells and glitter. She really had fun and her "heart" was really into this project.
The class was held at the Environmental Education Center at Vererans Oasis Park. Tatum really likes this place. It is a must that you look at the snakes, scorpins, frogs, and bugs in these cages inside the facility. It really is an interesting place. Outside is a lake where people fish and walk and ride bikes. We had to go check out the fish. You couldn't see any in the water and the fishermen that she talked with said they hadn't caught much this week. She made friends with some snowbirds from Indiana that showed her the big worms that they used for their bait. They gave her dried corn and some fish crackers to feed the ducks. She petted a 3 month old big puppy and just didn't want to go home. She nearly told the snowbird lady her life story and the lady was so nice to her. They left first and finally we walked back to the car. Tatum said, "I want a pink fishing pole for my birthday." That would be fine but I am afraid she would have to find a fishing buddy because I don't do worms.
If only my mother was alive. She would sit by that lake (even though she preferred streams) with Tatum for as long as was needed and put those creepy worms on her hook. I remember when Alvin and I were in college before we married we went to Pinetop to our summer home. We went fishing with my mother and she put the worm on Alvin's hook. Can't remember if he caught a fish!
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