My grandfather John A. Hamilton (1896 - 1976)was honored today by the Chandler Historical Society at their 27th annual Pioneer's luncheon as a "Citizen of History."
This award is given to a family, couple or individual who has made a significant impact on the history of Chandler. The award is given yearly to individuals who have lived in Chandler for 50 or more years and have been involved in (past or present) local civic organization. We are proud of our grandfather and he contributed much to the city of Chandler.
This is what was read at the luncheon when they announced his name:
While there are many examples of John Augustus Hamilton’s love for and involvement in the story of Chandler, it was his love for his country that changed his life and helped him understand and live for what was truly important—family, friends, and this, (then) small town in the middle of a desert. Not long ago, the news media announced that the last veteran of the 1st World War had passed away. It is important that with that passing, we not forget those brave men and boys and the terrible sacrifices they made all those years ago. Just a boy when he left--a happy, fun-loving boy who sang while he cut hay on a little farm in Texas, John A. came home from that war, to Chandler, on a troop ship filled with sick and dying men, shell shocked, and recovering from a field-surgery operation performed with too little anesthesia. Hamilton children, early on, learned respect for the American flag, and what it stands for, and what it costs to keep it flying. So to John A., carrying the flag as Grand Marshall in Chandler’s parades meant more than we will ever know. Walking the streets of Chandler as a deputy sheriff meant keeping the peace in his town a continuation of keeping the peace for America. Riding as a member of the Sheriff’s Posse, looking for people lost in the desert meant saving lives, and he knew first-hand how precious life can be. John A.’s life was simple. He loved kids, and horses, rodeos, horse races and community events. He loved the peace he found riding through the alfalfa fields on his farm. He loved and served the city of Chandler. Chandler, Arizona was small town America, and John Augustus Hamilton had a deep understanding of how very, very good small town American can be.
This is a picture of "Granddad" and me when we rode in one of the junior rodeo parades in Florence.

So, our family gathered at this Pioneer Luncheon proudly. Nineteen of us total! My three brothers and one sister and their spouses (Bob, Linda, John D., Judy, Jimmy Ruth, John, Tug, Sherry). Eight great-grandchildren (John Pat, Jimmy, Jenny, Gretchen, Chelsea, Ryan, Anne, Amy) and two great-great-grandchildren (Jake and Jaycie) in attendance. Ryan Hamilton accepted the award. Granddad and Mam Maw would have been so proud of us all! We are proud of them.
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