Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Newport Beach

Same place, most of the same people, and always the first two weeks of July in Newport Beach. It was a little quiter this year with Cody's family not in attendance. Cousin Blythe was able to stay longer. We were happy to have her for a whole ten days. The minute she walked in from the airport Tatum took up with her and thought she was pretty special. At times we had to divert her to something else to give Blythe a break. Thanks Blythe for being such a good sport.

We did some of the same things this year and didn't do some things we used to do and did some new things too! All was fun. The weather was great the entire two weeks. Usually the first week is gloomy but not this year, the sun was there every morning.

We always go to the Orange County Market Place at the OC fairgrounds to buy their yummy cinnamon bread and their fresh vegetables. This year we also returned to the Rose Bowl Flea Market. We do like those outdoor markets. Tatum's wish was to go to the American Girl Store at "The Grove" and we were all excited to see Mario on the stage for Extra but unfortunately he was not tapping that day. What a disappointment! The boys were good sports as usual to spend the time at the doll store so afterwards we went to downtown Hollywood to the "Rippleys Museum". This was definitely a boy thing but it really was quite interesting.

This year we sidestepped Disneyland and went to Knotts Berry Farm. We arrived when it opened at 10:00 and left right before they closed at 10:00. It wasn't terribly crowded so we did everything we wanted too. We decided there are a lot of rides for bigger kids and rides for smaller children but not much in between. Some of us rode the less frightening roller coasters and the boys and Tatum actually had fun doing the children's rides.

The tide pools, Balboa Island, bicycling, shopping, movies, eating, reading, and the beach were some of our other typical activities. Chandler and Cooper were really good in the water this year. They used their boogie boards, body surffed, and had fun with Stephen at their side. I was totally surprised that Alvin actually went out in the surf several days. Tatum still doesn't like the water so much but enjoys digging in the sand and always looks for someone her size to be her sand partner. She found many and had lots of fun.

Time goes way too fast when you are at the beach. I remember when we used to stay one week and How quickly that time flew. That is how it feels with the two weeks now. (do I forsee three weeks in the future?) Stephen was ready to come home. It seems he likes structure and routines so was ready to pack up. I kinda wonder if living with his MIL has something to do with it. Everybody else wanted to stay longer. Chandler and Cooper want to move to California. They were so bumbed when they got home.

Alvin and I stayed some extra days and I had planned things to see and do and he liked that. We went to the Sawdust Festival in Laguna one day. He always loves strolling around this place and it is lovely because of the setting. It made for a nice outing. The next day we went to the Long Beach Antique and Collectibly Market. This was a great outdoor place. Not that I am a big antique shopper but it was fun to walk up and down the isles. We bought a few things and unfortunately we were limited as to what we could buy and get home because our car was packed with beach stuff. We spent nearly five hours there. The rest of the time he finished reading his book and I knitted a purse. Back home was not wished for but unfortunately you can't stay away forever.

Leaving our homes for two weeks takes some preparation. Dogs, puppies, birds, yards, swimming pools all have to be taken care of. Packing is not so fun either. A pickup, suburban, and suv filled to the brim.

Bella wanted to go with us but unfortunately had to stay with the house sitter.

Games on the beach and on the patio.

Lots of beach time.

Knotts Berry Farm:

I think Cooper is thinking that other rides are better than this one.

The last ride of the night was one that Chandler most wanted to do. We can't figure out why! But, we are proud of him for doing it.

Other things we saw and did:

Aquarium in Long Beach:

Parking is sometime a problem. This day Alvin is saving a spot on our street while someone went to get the car.
Stephen turned over a large soda into Tatum's stroller. Unfortunately Tatum was sitting in it. They bought her a new dress but drying her panties was a different story.

Until next year and I can't wait!

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