Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tatum's Birthday

Tatum turned six this year and she celebrated at Chipolte!. That was her choice. We than went to a play called, "Hairspray" at  Perry High School. She doesn't like movies but she loves going to live performances.

Tatum has really changed this year. She has lost her teeth and most of her curls. She is no longer a little girl but a big girl. She got her ears pierced for the second time and changes her own earrings quite often. She still likes her American Girl dolls and got the newest one for her birthday. She is pretty social  and yet picky in ways of dressing. Nothing tight for her it seems. I am not sure how she feels about school. I first thought she liked it but not so sure these days. Maybe she is just too smart for the rest of them.

Tatum started cheerleading in school. She was pretty excited about her first performance.

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