Chelsea, Stephen and kids, Gretchen, Alvin and I arrived on check in day Saturday, July 3. Blythe (our cousin from Albuquerque) arrived Saturday evening. Cody, Chelsea and boys arrived Monday morning early because they left Chandler at 2 AM. My sister Jimmy Ruth, Jenny, Jake and Jacie arrived Monday afternoon. So, we had a jam pack first week. Blyte was the first to leave on Friday, My sister and bunch also left on Friday and Cody and Chelsea left on Sunday morning. The rest of us enjoyed a more calmer second week.
On Sunday, the 4th of July, we headed out early to the Orange County Market Place. We do this every year. It is a huge place and we stayed nearly 3 1/2 hours and still didn't see it all. They have a wonderful farmers market where I bought our vegetables and fruit for the week and they have this "to die for" cinammon bread so we bought 4 loafs.
The first week was cool and overcast. Residence of Newport call it the "June gloom." We actually liked the coolness because it can get hot when you travel inland. On Tuesday we went to The Grove Shopping center in Beverely Hills. We had to visit the American Girl Store. Tatum wanted her dolly to have pierced ears and Jaycie's doll needed to visit the hospital for repairs.
We than traveled down the road about five minutes to the tar pits. It was a much more interesting place for the boys; however they are always good when we drag them to girly places. The La Brea Tar Pits are a famous cluster of tar pits around which Hancock Park was formed, in the urban heart of Los Angeles. Asphalt or tar (brea in Spanish) has seeped up from the ground in this area for tens of thousands of years. The tar is often covered with water. Over many centuries, animals that came to drink the water fell in, sank in the tar, and were preserved as bones. The George C. Page Museum is dedicated to researching the tar pits and displaying specimens from the animals that died there.

On Wednesday we went to Disneyland and very thankful for the gloomy day which made it cooler. Around 5:00 California had a 5.2 earthquake so the rides were closed down for inspection for nearly an hour. That meant shopping in the stores.

We spent a good amount of time at the Downtown Disney area. Actually we were there two seperate times.
Thursday was beach day. Most of the adults were cold but for the kids and the big guys cold didn't matter.
On Sunday Chelsea, Gretchen and I drove nearly an hour to the Rose Bowl Flea Market. Gretchen had heard that this was one thing you didn't want to miss. It was filled with row after row of antiques and artsy stuff. It was defnitely a good place to be.
Our two weeks was spent just relaxing by reading, biking, eating, sunning, looking for shells and creepy things, and relaxing on the beach. Can't beat it for a family vacation!
Alvin and I stayed an extra two nights after everyone left. We went to the Sawdust Flestival in Laguna and an artwalk in Santa Ana plus eating at our favorite fish place. Alvin was anxious to get back home and start his duties at the college. He needed to organize the studio better and equip his new office with his stuff. He is so excited - kinda reminds me a kid in a candy store.
Now we have to deal with triple digit temperatures and pool water 98 degrees. How fun is that?
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