Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tatum's Front Tooth

Tatum has been wanting to spend the night so this past Friday she did. Stephen and Chelsea brought her around 5 o'clock. Alvin and I had a late lunch so we were not hungry so she had mac and cheese for her dinner. That was OK cause she loves mac and cheese. Of course she had to also have some ice cream.

We started talking about her loose front tooth. It has gotten pretty crooked from being so loose. She said a friend ate a carrot and her tooth came out. I said, "do you want to try that?" She said she did and that didn't work cause she didn't really bite right down on the tooth. So, she suggested an apple. That was the same result. So, finally she just used a tissue and pulled it out. She was pretty excited. I was a little apprehensive because I thought her mom would rather have her loose her first front tooth at their own home and I also knew the tooth fairy would have to visit too. But, I got over that quick enough!

  Pretty gross with all that blood! Of course the bed head, money and tooth itself was the morning excitement. I guess the tooth fairy left her tooth so she could show her mom and dad. I understand the next night she got more money and the tooth was gone. What a tooth fairy - he can't keep houses straight!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Froggies Return

On August 27, 2010 I wrote about our finding little frogs in our pool. Read the attached  link before I go any further.


The other night we were awaken in the middle of the night with this horrible sound coming from our backyard. So annoying you couldn't fall back to sleep. We had a bad rain storm right before bedtime so Alvin said it sounded like a duck and maybe it had gotten lost in the storm. (that has happened before) I went outside to check and in the dark I thought I saw a bird or duck of some sort in the pool. I went inside to get Alvin and then turned the light on and discovered it was not a duck or bird just my ducky pool floaty. But, we found instead all of these frogs floating in our pool. They were the noise. We removed them with the pool net and went back to bed. The noise started again and Alvin went back outside to get a few more. The next night we removed two more. Alvin thinks perhaps nine total. He also said some were mating. I had actually thought that was the reason for the noise but I grew up being a little naive. That could be another google search but I don't think I will go there.  Nevertheless, I am quite positive those were the same frogs that we put in the flower bed three years ago so they could some day grow up and die in the skimmer basket. By morning that is probably where they would have been!


Chandler turned eleven years old on tax day. I picked him up from school the other day and in just the little time I was with him I noticed he did so many good deeds. The first was getting out of the car and moving the garbage container so I could park my car. He didn't just push it aside but actually took it to its proper location behind the fence. Then, proceeded to open the door for Cooper and Tatum. My hands were full getting out of the car so he immediately offered to take some of my load and then returned to the car later for his own stuff.  He helped with Tatum's homework, put the doggy diaper on Winston when he got him out of the crate and even was referee in the car when his siblings squabbled. I am proud of you Chandler.